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Pirateogta said:

I will never trust Sony's shipment numbers since they released their numbers for the April-June 2010 quarter. Every sales tracker (NPD, Media Create, VGChartz, GFK, Chart-Track) showed that the PS3 had sold less units in that quarter compared to the last quarter (Jan-Mar). Then Sony's numbers came out and they had shipped more units than the previous quarter. How is that possible. They sold considerably less than the last quarter, but shipped more units...

It's clear that Sony tracks PS3s shipped differently than Microsoft tracks the 360, or they are just overshipping every quarter. It's getting pretty ridiculous. That will be the final nail in the coffin if they actually report they shipped more than the 360 in the Oct-Dec quarter, when the 360 is outselling the PS3 by almost a million in one month alone in just one region, according to NPD. The December NPD could possibly have the 360 ahead of the PS3 by 2 million if this trend keeps up, and there's no way anyone will be fooled into believing Sony's shipment numbers this quarter, with Kinect and the 360's incredible performance.

>_> shipped is shipped to can't 'lie' about these things

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

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