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nightsurge said:
psrock said:
nightsurge said:
psrock said:
nightsurge said:
psrock said:
nightsurge said:
VGChartz Hardware data for the period 04th Apr 2010 to 18th Dec 2010:
Console PS3

I know this is actual sold-thru figures, but it is still telling.

Someone else posted shipments and it seems the PS3 has to ship 9.1 million in the next 2 quarters to reach 15 million.

My only problem with this is that the OCT-DEC quarter should be down a decent chunk over last year.

It will be really close and it all depends on just how much the JAN-MAR sells this year.


I was showing relevant sell thru data in relation to Sony's shipment data.  Didn't mean to put 360 in there so I edited it out just now.

Sony will be down by ~800k to 1 million for this OCT-DEC quarter, though, which means the JAN-MAR needs to ship ~3.6 to 3.8 million.

Really, I did note realize it, where did you get this number?

Oct 2010 to Now = 4,942.490

oct 2009 to DEc 19th 2009 =    5,327,208

So much for the PS3 doing badly, huh


This quater is almost over, I need you explain to me how it will down 1 million, show me. The only place I see it down this week is Japan, it had huge deals in NA, nad doing well in Others. Again show me how it will be down 1 million.

You showed it was already down ~400k as of Dec 18th figures.  For that week, it was down 188k YOY.

This next week, if it doesn't receive some good boosts it will be down another ~200k.

Then for Jan 2nd week it will likely be down again.

I may have overestimated it being down that Jan 2nd week, though, because that week's worldwide sales is much lower (from last year's data) than the Christmas week.

~700-800k down this quarter it looks like instead of ~800k to 1 million.

We go from 800 - 1million to 700 which is more realistic. Now, the PS3 shipped just 2.2 million in Jan 2010 quater, I can guarantee you, Sony will easily outdo it. They had a shortage which they will not have this year. I see 3.2 million for the Jan quater.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)