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Torillian said:

Personally I've only really been made fun of by my friends while playing some of the more nichey Japanese games with ridiculous stories like Eternal Sonata (watch the final cut scene to that if you have the time and brain cells to spare one day) and ToS2 or more pervy games like Ar Tonelico 2 because it's just embarrasing when your main character keeps yelling "MAXIMUM PENETRATION" whenever you do his best attack. 

I actually find spectator response to JRPG's hilarious, going by my personal experiences. I finished Lost Odyssey recently and numerous members of my family have caught a few gameplay and cut-scenes. I remember one of my sisters asked me oh my god what the hell is she wearing? when she took a good look at one of the characters (Ming). Another one I can't forget is when my brother watched a cut-scene with me and after it had finished he asked me about the woman with the glasses; I told him that was Sarah, Kaim's wife. He said to me that Kaim had done well for himself, because Sarah had absolutely massive tits

Sometimes people can get the wrong idea though. When my mother walked in while I was in a hot-spring scene while playing Muramasa, she immediately noticed Momohime with only her towel and just looked at me with a questioning expression. It was still really really funny, though.

How technical is your game?