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slowmo said:

Looks at the OP, looks at the thread title, turns and leaves the thread. Sad.

So people pretty much shouldn't post bad news, because it might it hurt the feelings of some over (enter console) indulged fans.

This site is getting bloody pathetic, everyone is getting so damn defensive over nothing and it was a pretty calm thread until the 360 Defence Force (Koweniki) came rushing in, while his merry men followed soon after.

People have got to learn how to have reasonable discussions about the topic at hand, instead of posting stupid comments that contribute nothing to the topic.

I'll contribute to the discussion. Microsoft better not have a shitty year in 2011, otherwise I'm chucking my 360 at grandmas house so the cousins can have something to muck around with. I've been extremely satisfied with their output this year, hopefully I can say the same at the end of the next year. 

Bet with Conegamer and AussieGecko that the PS3 will have more exclusives in 2011 than the Wii or 360... or something.