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Glad to see some of you guys back and ready to finish this tough list. It's been a lot of fun so far, and with us posting our top tens, it's only going to get better from here!

Speaking of catching up...

10. Conker's Bad Fur Day (N64)

Conker's Bad Fur Day is a story about a squirrel. And a giant poop monster. And a evil demonic hand puppet. And gangster weasels. Yeah, that's reason enough for this game to be in my top ten, but let me elaborate a little more on why I love this game so much. Conker's Bad Fur Day is rude, crude, and oh so funny. Humor is an element I find sorely lacking in today's video game industry, so I love to see comedic elements pop up in games. This game is fully of laugh out loud moments, from the many parodies (Saving Private Ryan and the Matrix are the most notable) to the insane cast of characters (Gregg the Grim Reaper is one fantastic character. And he hates cats.) The gameplay is no slouch either, and what I love about this game is that there's so much to do. Solid platforming, awesome aerial combat (with poop bombs), crazy third person shooting elements, hoverboard racing, raptor riding... it's all there, and everything is so much fun! And the bosses... oh those bosses. Who can forget the Great Mighty Poo? Or the Boiler? Or that creepy Tediz Experiment? Oh man... this game was such a blast... but I'm only just getting started!

The multiplayer in this game provided so many fantastic memories, and is probably one of my most cherished multiplayer games. Raptors vs. Cavemen, Tediz vs. Squirrels, Bank Heist... it's just so much fun. My friend and I would play capture the flag for hours, and of course we'd go for the chainsaw or kitana as the weapon. Seeing your Tediz jump around shouting Japanese is unlike anything else I tell ya. So yeah, Conker's Bad Fur Day starts us out on my top ten games of all time, because it's an incredible single player experience, a priceless multiplayer experience, and an overall amazing game. Rare' best work was also its crudest, rudest, and funniest.