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Lingyis said:
DeguelloNWR said:
Lingyis said:
why defend galaxy? yes, of course it's about gameplay, not story. but some people do want more storyline when they play a game, and he happens to be one of those people.

besides, if galaxy does has a good storyline to it, it'll have an average score of like 99 instead of the 97 currently.

lots of people can enjoy galaxy 100% without a story. but there are some who say only enjoys it 90%. that's still really good--we're not all clones, after all.

It's simply a matter of what he is trying to say and who is he trying to convince with it. That's fine that he wants more story in a game, but to make a blog post about it? He is not a reviewer. Moreover, he can be viewed as a direct competitor. His opinion can be highly suspect if so.

There is bad blood between Nintendo and Sony, but this past few years it has been obviously one sided. Sony started to really heap it on Nintendo when they said that only children wanted to play DS, the only game they have is Pokemon, gimmick waggle wand when the wii came out, etc. From Nintendo? Nothing, really. Except those sales numbers they let do the talking for them.

If it is truly his opinion, that's fine, but he had best be prepared to be in the miniscule minority, and have the reasons for his opinion judged. His blog is not a private space. He posts it for the world to see, and as such the world will judge, and most think him to be more than a little jealous and envious.

i don't think he's trying to convince anyone--it's just his opinion! to me it's insightful why he made GoW the way it is. and clearly he knows he's in the minority. if you think what he says is suspect since he's on sony, it's good that you're pointing that out. after all, you tend not to trash the players on your own team.

i don't get your concept of a blog--things he says there is open to criticism, that's the whole point. same with interviews. if people find him jealous and envious and it bothers him, he wouldn't have posted or said it in the first place.

that being said, it is a little funny. not "PHAIL" funny but well worthy of a chuckle.

 Am I to expect Mr. Barlog had absolutely no idea what to expect from Mario Galaxy?  Is he not privy to the same game news I am?  Did he not see Bowser and Peach in the game?  Was he expecting much different than previous Mario games?  Remember, not much on the internet is spur of the moment.  It's hard to wing a blog or forum post.

If his thing is story as he sees it, then that's ok, but his lack of understanding why people think "its the second coming" is curious to say the least.  They think so because the game is such an experience, the play so fun, the graphics so wonderous, the soundtrack being the hands-down best of the year, no matter what those other awards say...  That is Mario Galaxy's "story," per se, and it is the same story told to him by those other designers.  Since he doesn't see it in the game itself, it's possible that he does not understand.  I hope no ulterior motive is ascribed to his post such as petty competitor bickering, but at the same time he must be open to the no doubt throngs of emails and comments telling him that his characerization of Mario Galaxy's conceptual story as "vapid" is mischaracterized and possibly an attention-seeking behavior set, which is troubling, but expected should that ulterior motive be true.