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For me Crysis was, at first, a benchmark game, just to check what my graphic card could handle.

It's a decent FPS, what is very interesting is the 'sandbox' type of gameplay, meaning that you can reach the objectives using stealth, or all guns ablaze. Using the combination power, you can cloak (I win button in the game), or you can use speed to jump higher and run faster. Also, you can use the environment against the enemy, or turning around a jeep and shoot it in the tanker... And a very nice tank warfare moment on a big green plain shooting north Korean. It's not bad, but it's not the more entertaining game I've played.

Besides than that, the action is pretty straightforward, and the scenario matches the highest a rank Z movie can offer. Treason, guy that die-but-in-fact-no, saturday morning villains that laugh after explaining their last plan to control the world. And the sarcastic laughs as well.


What I heard about the second opus, is that it will be more linear than the first would be, that the suit power are reduced, ie : adapted to the console crowd, translated : dumbed down. Oh yeah, you'll have moar pretty cinematics and action packed events, but which game don't have these nowadays ! I won't get it straight away, unless at a reduced price.