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DirtyP2002 said:
shio said:
DirtyP2002 said:

I would buy Fallout 3 GOTY if Steam did not suck like it does.

If Steam sucks, what does that make of GFWL, XBL and every other DD service? rotten horse manure?

Deals are pretty good on Steam, no doubt.

The way it works (or doesn't), the community, the cheating, the account hacking is the worst I have ever experienced with any service out there.

has always worked for me, the community is pretty good from what I have seen sure there are bad apples but their are plenty of nice friendly people, cheating? steam is a DD portal how is cheating a problem? and steam games with their perma bans for cheating are pretty good at preventing most cheating, you obviously don't have a facebook account...

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