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As part of my ongoing quest to please Beuli2, I am going to be doing a regular series of threads called "against the grain", bringing up news stories which are either overlooked or too big to miss...

I'm afraid this'll be quite short today (boo! Darned revision...), but, I'd like to know just how much base there is for people to "upgrade" to a HDWii. Is it really that vital? I've been fine with my SD Wii for the best part of 4 years and have had no issues...I just don't see it boosting sales that much.

Not only this, but it would probably have hampered sales in the long run for the big N, due to higher production costs, would have meant a higher RRP, making the "blue ocean" penetration much harder.

Furthermore, how many of these "casuals" would really upgrade to HD? If the Wii has become the fastest selling home console EVER via HD and a low price point, I say leave it as it is.

Unsurpisingly, I'm going for option 2, but what about you? If you could give a qucik explanation why you voted for this option, to "gauge" peoples interests a bit better, that would be very helpful!


If you'd like to read more of my series, then look no further! Links are below;

 1. (statistical anomolies with Wii games)

2.  (What Nintendo SHOULD have done with the Wii)

4. (why the Wii is a toy and can't do mature games)
5. Sorry, number 5 is not alive. The computer died (Why Sony is, and always will be, doomed)



Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.