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axumblade said:
masschamber said:

300k 200k is better than just 300k

I think Namco is making a mistake with releasing the next tales game ps3 first, I'd wager that it will still sell ~300k but won't have another version that sold 200k first

But what I think happened was this

The Japanese public said we want the wii, Japanese Developers said, no you want the ps3!

Again they repeated no we choose the wii, and Developers said , NO YOU WANT THE PS3!!!!

Finally a sizable portion simply said we just don't care anymore and moved on while only a few went to the ps3, and Developers said The market is shrinking, What did we do wrong? Our only hope is to westernize our work

Not really.....not at all actually....a lot of Japanese developers shifted to the handheld market because it's less expensive and easier to develop for.

The decision to support handhelds relates to the ps3 and wii how? The ps3 has received far more support from Japanese developers, I wouldn't be surprised if the console market would be healthier if the wii actually received worthwhile support early on instead of more or less nothing, the 360 received and receives better support than the wii.

You honestly believe the decision to refuse to support the most popular platform hasn't been detrimental to the Japanese console market at all?


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!