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Well actually my mom told me Santa was a man dressed in a clown suit because of the actions of Saint Nicholous thousands of years ago. She taught us the real meaning of Christmas (Saint Nich and Jesus Christ). I busted some kids bubbles in Kindergarten and grade one and two. Infact at the mall I remember always saying he wasn't real to see the kids faces (Yah I was a jerk).

My mom used to drive us from mall to mall so we could sit on every santa's lap. She'd then tell us if Santa was real how could he be at all the malls at once being just a man. We'd get all the freebies that they'd hand out at the mall (Not sure if they give stuff away anymore though).

I too don't understand why a parent would be that cruel to a kid. Give them a dream they know isn't true knowing full well that they'll realize it within a few years anyways. Not to mention as others mentioned who wants to give their kids gifts and then let the fatman in a red suit get all the credit? Also if you lie to your kids about one big thing whats to keep them from thinking you lied about other stuff.

I think as a parent when I have kids I'm going to treat them the same way my mom raised me. No Santa!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer