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I'm a bit confused you're mentioning sony, cause the article is just about the wii!

And it's not about nintendo "helping" anyone, it's about reha centers utilizing the wii.
Nintendo is just doin their plain business, selling consoles and games, they didn't even donate anthing.

My thoughts about folding@home (i guess you were aiming at this):
It's a neat contribution, but to call it "saving lives" is exagerated, no one was cured cause of f@h!
If anyone really wants to save lives, just donate for unicef (you are aware about the situation in africa for example). Don't tell me you don't got the money for donations and f@h is for free, it's not true !

Just turn of your ps3, save the energiecosts and donate them.

btw. did you know:
Bill Gates did donate over 29 billion usd since 2000. Sony and Nintendo don't hold a candle against this.
Are you now going to buy a x360 ?