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Sales Discussion - EMEAA UP! - View Post

Metallicube said:

I've wondered about this myself.. Malstrom has always tried to claim there are actually lots of these people out there but I've always found it hard to believe. Though it does strike me odd that there are these super passionate and avid Move and Kinect supporters that magically come out of the woodwork and so agressively defend these brand new unproven peripherals with so few games that support them, and even fewer quality games so far. I just look at the Kinect library and find myself scratching my head why some people are apparently so passionate about these games. The viral marketer thing would certainly make sense. Of course, not saying that Nintendo is necessarily innocent with these tactics either.

Nintendo isn't innocent either from what I hear, though standards of viral marketing could be very different, like Blizzard does viral marketing, people act like the Leeroy Jenkins thing was real, some still do, but it was viral marketing to promote the game to you tube viewers. 

Anyway here's a little proof of viral marketing even on our site: they both essentially come out and say they do marketing, though as iblah points out, good marketing really isn't going crazy with it IE jumping to said products defense.

A lighter touch is much better and a friendly approach people will actually listen to, but that's not to say that's the style of most of the marketers, but the good marketers on a website are those you can't even tell are really promoting it, you just think they legitimately like/love these games and want to share them with you.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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