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Just put him in jail. He'll get killed or beat over and over again for years.

As for those of you who cry spare him and be humane. f that. We are a global society and for our society to get better and more humane we must cut the bad parts out. Certain people do not belong in society. They should not be drains on the rest of us who do whats right every single day. I don't want to continue to pay higher taxes so some mass murderer or disgusting child abuser can sit in a comfy jail with TV and 3 good meals everyday.

I think prisons should force inmates to have absolutely no luxuries, no TV, no radio, only books and exercise equipment. Then they should be forced to do manual labor at least 8 hours a day to pay for their room and board.

Punishment needs to be just that, a punishment.

Why do you think there is a Hell in most religions. Many people need some sort of fear tactic to keep them from doing illegal stuff. Example. Why do so many people think it is ok to download music/games/programs for free when they would never take the actual CD from a store? Because in the store they have the fear of getting caught.

The world needs stronger punishments.
Steal lose a finger/hand.
Murder, be put to death.

I guarantee you that we (US) would not have such a big gang problem with a lot of gang related murders and so on if we started putting to death all of the murderers.

I guarantee you would not download music from shared sites if you thought someone would amputate your finger for it.

I guarantee this disgusting piece of shit wouldn't have abused this child if he knew that prison was much more horrific place than it currently is. I could care less about people in our prison system. F them all. Riot get shot! No TV, No Music, No anything that can be considered fun. Work all damn day digging ditches or building freeways and such. Run get shot. Flip off the guard get beat down and put into solitary.

I have no compassion for those who shit on society. Those of you who feel otherwise wait until someone does this to your child or family member. Not that I would dream of that happening to anyone, but it would put a whole new prospective on it. Basically, I feel people who say crap like some of you above have just never had someone close to you be a victim of some major crime.
