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ishiki said:
ishiki said:


#23 Final Fantasy XIII

Might get heckled a bit. This game was the most addicting game for me since pokemon. This is the first game I've ever had a 100 hr in playthrough. (don't normally do sidequest first time) This game is odd for a Final Fantasy. It essentially is a dungeon crawler with really pretty cutscenes.

The huge positive for me with this was the battlesystem. The battlesystem is my favorite out of any JRPG by a fair margin.  Also this for me is the hardest FF other than the FFIV DS remake... so for me this made the battles more fun.

Crystarium System
The music was my favorite since Final Fantasy 8.
The artstyle is my favorite out of any Final Fantasy
The World and Lore was good imo. The story, and the way it presented wasn't
Lightning, Vanille, Fang, Sahz, Serah, dadj (I forgot how to spell)

Story while it had potential and is interesting, it falters at almost every point it has to gain momentum.
The Dialogue was a step back from 12... and imo 10 as well.
Hope Though developed, he sucks
Snow is Lebron James
Basically every character not a fal'cie or the ones I listed in positives.
Not enough mini-games

Basically, A really fun game, to use characters to whack bad guys with really pretty graphics music and cutscenes. It has a lot a flaws, but I really had blast playing it. And Plan to play it again in a year or two.

Japanese Pop Culture Otaku