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This is very nice to hear. I am 100% behind any kind of since in the reproduction, and advancement of human kind. 

I truly believe everything we can do to make mankind stronger and more advanced is the right thing. All of the well it could destroy mankind nonsense gets on my nerves. Sure, this advancement, and many others could potentially harm mankind in the future, but its a risk worth taking. The alternative is do nothing with our knowledge, and become an obsolete life form.

On the ethics and religious front.

Ethics - We will never save everyone, and everything from dieing. There is more berth and death in the world every day then can even be fathomed by our minds. Like it or not, things are being born, and dieing in, out, and around you always. Every breath your take, every sip you drink, and every bite you eat is a mixture of life and death. 

No one cell is going to change mankind. There will never be one person to unit us all, no entertainer is so important we could not go on if they had never been born. 

Religious -  No one knows what is going on in this          that we exist in.  All anyone has to do is live as they see fit. If they are killers, thats fine, but people will stop them. Is that right? How in the world do any of us know. Some people's instincts say stop them, kill them back, others say population has to control itself somehow. Is there a god? Maybe? No one knows for sure. If there is, does he care what we do? Again, no one knows if there is a god in any form, let alone one that cares what humans do. If there is a god, and someone does not believe in him, but is the best person that ever walked the planet from a societal point of view, should he be condemned or sent to peace? 

This has turned into a blog, but what they heck. I just have to say, live the way you feel comfortable. Standards, Social point of views, rules, religion, non of it means anything. If your heart tells you to do something, do it. You only have one life. Live it they way you want to live. If you have to pay an eternity for it, so be it. If you really have a desire to do something, against a set of rules, here today, do you really believe that will change if you avoid it for the next 60 years and go to heaven? Would you want to be release of that burden? If some how you get fixed of your "evil" feelings, would you still be you?

Live. Experiment. Explore. Adventure.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams