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bmmb1 said:

A couple of things regarding TOG. First, while very close, why is everyone saying FW > LT? According to VGC, LT for the Wii version is 219,914 (?) Or is everyone looking at some other numbers?

Second, are you guys for real? Tales games should be PS3 only? There may be more Tales fans on PS3 than on Wii, but it's not some crazy ratio, the difference is not THAT big. And I won't even go into the Wii's version being ultra buggy, with a fix coming out only after the game sales went away. By that same logic of yours, COD should be 360 only with no PS3 version - just try selling that to Activision. Get real, multiplatform is the smart way to go for companies, exclusivity will take a game only so far.

2 times more Wii's, yet it sells better on PS3, that's what they meant, I guess.