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I'll reiterate what has been my prediction for the last 2 weeks:

In 2008, Sony will close the gap with the 360. However, before that happens I expect the PS3 to have another dry spell this winter, as the high price tag is less "doable" for many families faced with Christmas bills (and taxes). A $400 item is much more a "Christmas gift" than a birthday or Easter present, or even a "just because" purchase. Plus I anticipate the 360 to have a price drop by April, if not sooner. This will likely let the 360 take a slight lead again for the first few months of the year.

But later in the year, between E3 and November, Sony will likely do their next set of price cuts as well. Given that most of the "last gen" market is still highly skewed towards PS2 owners, I have to assume that there is at least some predisposition towards Sony over MS. Factor in the Asian market, and Sony should be able to outsell MS by a significant margin over the holidays, erasing any gains MS will make early in the year.