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I didnt like yakuza 3...I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for misleading titles :D MWA HA HA HA HA!!!!

I still remember when i first played the demo...aaaah it was love at first site ^^ i probably spent close to 15 hours just playing the demo over and over and over again XD Then when it actualy came out i spent well over 300 hours, ITS JUST SO MUCH FUN! in the end the thing that stopped me playing was God of war III and FFXIII both came out around the same time other wise id probably still be playing it now.

So tell me did you like it?

Yeah i know my spelling sucks but im dysgraphic so live with it :3    


Conegamer - I say that the PS3 will beat the DS next week in Japan  (for hardware sales) Forfeit is control over others avatar for 1 week.