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Killy_Vorkosigan said:

I just spent one hour trying to make that ultimate pice of crap of Game for window Live work , since it"s mandatory to play Batman AA, if you want to save.

So, after downloading through steam during the night, I decided to finally play what I payed with my hard earned money. But the road to gaming heaven (according to critics) is barren by the ugly GfWL.

First the interface of this.... white crayish thingy bears all the marks of the awefulness. It comes out of nowhere, out of the design of the game itself, and you know why you hate M$ for its intrusiveness. Then, I am asked to prompt a login and password. In the end of the 1990s, ages ago in this era of information, I had a hotmail account, so I used this old stuff.

Then the problem begins (like batman ^^). GfWL decides , without asking me or whatever, to log to my account, and while I just had used it ages ago for two or three mails, it takes 5 long minutes to download whatever shit it needs to 'work'. As this thing was not as badly programmed as windows itself, it closes the gamedo some background unknown stuff, reloads the game. To my great surprise, 5 mn of my precious time were used for nothing, since the goddamn gfwl reasks me to prompt my account. and can't recognise it itself.

So I decided to check directly over the internet if my account is right, this is checked easily directly on hotmail site. This being done, I decided to remove GfWL from my computer, and reinstall and reupdate it. Then, I prompt my account, and I get his absolutely lovely message :

Error in sign in 8015403A game for windows

After a quick google search, surprise !!! M$ has decided, out of nowhere, that you should have though by yourself that you should have gone on site to check a little box :  

"I accept the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use aggrement' 

I don't care about xbox whatever. I have a far better gaming PC than this. Finally, after doing this, the shitty abysmal uselessness of GfWL finally accepts my login and password. And it works in Batman AA, so I finally can save the game and try this.



GfWL must be removed from the face of our gaming world. It must die and rot in the oblivion of gaming's worst idea. There's nothing more user-unfriendly than GfWL. Go to hell, GTFO GfWL.

In Brazil and other countries is even worst

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."