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ssj12 said:
TWRoO said:

<insert id="shio"><arrogance><facts class="anecdotal">PC gaming is better than console gaming</facts></arrogance></insert>


On a more serious note, that does sound horrible... what exactly is GfWL used for? some kind of authentication to make sure you have a bought copy of the game?

thanks for bring an imaginary shio into this. I agree with imaginary shio though. This is why I have yet to see any games that allow pc vs console as PC gamers would destroy console gamers in everyways.

Anyways, GfwL serves the exact same purpose as XBL does. It serves as a market place, leader board, achievement thing, etc. Only thing is it does everything horridly and at one point it wasnt free.  Its a broken system on PC as everything does what it offers better. Impulse, Steam, Xfire, etc all have similar features that actually work properly and isn't broken to utter hell. I reviewed a GfwL title, Stormrise, and I will tell you that the experience sucked ass as it runs in the background, similar to Steam and Impulse, but uses a ton more resources. Also account integration was horrid. I literally had to login to the account 4 times before I could start the single player campaign. Why? who knows? I dont even think the software does.

Wow... get off your high horse. It's exactly those kind of thoughts about console gamers why people tend to stereotype PC gamers as elitist.

Of course in certian genres PC gamers would have the edge and win because of the "controller" not because of any other reason.

Like someone else said before me.. racing sims? I also want to add the Fighting genre ... your just blind with your agenda. Ever think people prefer console over PC because of the cons of PC. Did you ever think playing with your friends in the same room was ever fun? How about owning a physical copy? Maybe the fighting genre was your thing and the only way to play most of them on your PC was to be a shameless thief? I guess people might actually prefer consoles for a reason.

All gaming systems, consoles/PC, have thier perks... why fight over preferences? I like Coke and you like Pepsi, that's it, let's not fight over which toy we like best cause that's what they are. Is someone's preference in a toy important or is the relationship between you and your neighbor more important? Answer is obvious, but THE most important thing is your relationship with God almighty. God Bless you in Jesus's name.

I can communicate without talking... I can send a loved one money without actually sending money... and I can commit theft without the product disappearing, the point of theft is the point of theft not one of it's possible symptoms which is the product dissappearing. The thief wants to gain something without paying for it, that's the point of theft, the thief doesn't have to care or anybody else has to care if the product dissappears. The product dissappearing is just a possible symptom of theft. Gifts are sacrfices, in order to give a gift, it has to be a genuine sacrfice/gift, meaning a copy of the game isn't still in your PC. Piracy is theft and/or being a culprit of theft.