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ssj12 said:
TWRoO said:

<insert id="shio"><arrogance><facts class="anecdotal">PC gaming is better than console gaming</facts></arrogance></insert>


On a more serious note, that does sound horrible... what exactly is GfWL used for? some kind of authentication to make sure you have a bought copy of the game?

thanks for bring an imaginary shio into this. I agree with imaginary shio though. This is why I have yet to see any games that allow pc vs console as PC gamers would destroy console gamers in everyways.

Anyways, GfwL serves the exact same purpose as XBL does. It serves as a market place, leader board, achievement thing, etc. Only thing is it does everything horridly and at one point it wasnt free.  Its a broken system on PC as everything does what it offers better. Impulse, Steam, Xfire, etc all have similar features that actually work properly and isn't broken to utter hell. I reviewed a GfwL title, Stormrise, and I will tell you that the experience sucked ass as it runs in the background, similar to Steam and Impulse, but uses a ton more resources. Also account integration was horrid. I literally had to login to the account 4 times before I could start the single player campaign. Why? who knows? I dont even think the software does.

I think I came off a little offensive there and I apologise to shio, I kind of expected that if there was any truth in the GfWL stuff in the OP that shio would be against it as he gives good advice (though just doesn't seem to be able to see things from anothers point of view sometimes)

Not using GfWL I am glad I don't have to experience it, but I have had to authenticate other Windows software before and they do seem to go overboard, and something like that doesn't run in the background being a pain whilst using the software so at least it's a one time thing.

As for PC gamers beating console gamers, in many situations I would say that's true, though I am a racing game fan where I would say both parties can be even if they have the money to spend on wheel controllers etc, if they don't though a control stick easily beats trying to steer with arrow keys, though I still enjoyed Trackmania without one (helps that it's impossible to crash into other people in that game though)