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The country is most likely heading for another crash, come early 2011 jobs in the US are going to slam into a brick wall. I lost one of my 2 jobs in January it paid $17 an hour and it was in manufacturing (electronics). The company outsourced their manufacturing to a country in the Middle East  and that was that (company owner is from Israel).

I can't lie to you but I have been trying to replace that job since then and no luck, not even $9 an hour is possible when you have a BA in computers science all you end up hearing is that you are over qualified now a days, the truth is they know you are going to end up leaving anyway. in an interview one woman told me to go back to school and get my Masters and then come back in a few years and she can get me a better position LMAO, I said get a Masters with what money and what bank is going to lend me money when I already have car payments and my previous school loans to pay off? If I could go back in time I would not have dumped $20k on my college education, because most of the jobs I got since collage I got through friends and family, so for me a lot of time it was not what I knew but  who I knew.

Since January, 11 banks have been robbed in my town and one Wal-Mart, the city has laid off 20 police officers. The best advice I can give is don’t spend what little money you have left, hang on to that shit as if it's you last breath.