Mr.Metralha said: I'd say thats pretty normal when the consoles past years sales weren't anything spectacular, thats why matching those sales or even surpass it by a small margin its plausible. Throw in heavy marketing and a new peripheral on the consoles "old" stage, and you got your trending up completely explained. Now wanting consoles like DS and Wii to be up is an epic task, given both consoles past sales. |
Yeah this gen isn't like other generations so some old notions of what should happen should just been thrown out the window.
And it's also normal after a remodel, price drops, etc for sales to trend higher than it was before, but they always stabilize, but all you need is a few extra k a week to make a real difference by the end of the year.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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