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Cirio said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Cirio said:

So the PS3 version will probably finish around 5 million. Had it been exclusive, FFXIII on the PS3 would've outsold FFXII on the PS2. Awesome sales!

Yeah this kinda proves FF Versus XIII has no need to go multiplat.

Not really, because it being multi-plat will ensure greater sales than it being exclusive to a single platform. All this really "proves" is that install base means jack when comparing sales of games from the PS2 era with games from the PS3 era.

Exclusives have more hype for example enslaved sold less than Heavenly Sword even though Heavenly sword was exclusive while Enslaved was multiplat. Many factors come into play. I do agree about userbase argument

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey