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No. 31: Neverwinter Nights 2 (& Mask of the Betrayer) (PC)

Another RPG, another sequel, another game developed by Obsidian. This game was highly enjoyable. with some amazing characters and was a welcome return to the Forgotten Realms. A welcome feature was the return to 4-character parties rather than just the single sidekick of NWN1. It had virtually everything you'd want from a WRPG and even added a lil' bit of sim city when you get your fort. The only downsides were that it ran poorly (poorly optimised) for a game that looked good, but not amazing and that Neverwinter (the city) seemed smaller than the original. It also didn't really bring anything truly innovative to table and stuck to the typical WRPG formula (not neccessarily a bad thing mind).

No. 30: Unreal Tournament (PC also on DC, PS2)

Players of all online multiplayer FPS' owe this game a lot. This was the first to prove that online and multiplayer focused FPS' could sell. It had some amazing and fun arenas (Matrix-like Morpheous and Facing Worlds come to mind straight away), lots of different game modes, innovative mods and interesting weapons. The fast paced action was only rivaled by Quake III Arena, but the sheer plethora of extra features made Unreal Tournament the better package for me. Add to this the fact that it was a PC game that could run off the disc and the fact that it was one of the first games to fully push online play and you have both a pioneer and a classic in the same package.