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I agree with you're take on the setting. of MGS3... partially why it's not on my list.

ME2 and MGS is too low. Now I get to doo it.

plus I remember you saying that metal gear solid was the worst metal gear solid. not mgs3. Prepare to be flamed by everyone not me!

I have high hopes for ME3 even if ME2 is really high on my list. The DLC hammerhead settings in overlord was phenomenol. Plus the overlord mission was outstanding. OMG I love overlord.A lot more than I love liara's DLC which is exactly not what I expected.... not that you played those.

My point being if they can include the Hammerhead. The scope would be massive. As well as have more story now that your charactesr for the most part have been aquired. Maybe that will be the best game ever! I hope!

Okay I quit.