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Are you really that ignorant that you think a game built on Wii hardware is incapable of being ported to 360/PS3 simply because they can due HD? Granted it won't look as good as a game built on the 360/Ps3 hardware, but, I and the millions more Wii owners don't care. We have the biggest voice.

For the love of retarded chimpanzees. The only reason EA and some other studios have had separate offices building Wii only games while their sister game was built on 360/PS3 separately was due to Wii still being questioned as a dominant system.

As mid-year approaches and Wii starts to be > 360+PS3 in sales. You will feel stupified. Yes I just made that up. Stupified.

Has any multi-platform game on the PS3 beat the 360 version in sales...No.
Has any multi-platform game on Wii beat the 360 version in sales...yes and soon GHIII (a major IP) will surpass the 360. All throughout the holidays the Wii version has been selling at a modestly higher rate; it will take a few months, but it will eventually pass the 360.

EA's next round of games for late 2008 and there on will be games where Wii versions match or beat 360. PS3 won't even be a contender.

Wii has 15 million sellers in its first year. 360 did not have that. By next xmas the Wii will have more million sellers total.

From about October on, the Wii has been constantly outselling 360 and obviously PS3 in software. Even if you remove Wii Sports most of the time.

This holiday Wii had a ton more games and many more exclusives than PS3 or 360. That trend will continue to grow.

Every indicator proves your logic wrong. This will be absolutely evident my March. I can't wait for the next E3.