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Why not. You can easily port a game from a lower spec'd machine to a higher one.

They will put their money where it will get the best return. In the near future that will be obviously the Wii.

Does GHIII have anything different between the various versions? No. They all look the same from PS2 to Wii to 360 to PS3. I would bet it was build based on PS2 hardware since it was the lowest spec'd machine.

To spend less on development and create the maximum for returns they will build on Wii. Then port over to either 360 or PS3, depending who is leading, or both. Same as every other generation.

We all must remember that like 95% of all 3rd party games so far were funded and planned before this gen started. When everyone, except John Lucas, thought the Wii would be in third following the shrinking market of all other Nintendo home consoles since the NES.

Now, that Wii is clearly the dominating machine and trending to sell better than any video game console in history, why would devs not follow suit?