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Guys... don't freak out... but uh... just look below.

32. Sonic the Hedgehog (Gen)

You were probably wondering, okay Smeags... when is Sonic showing up? We know you're unreasonbaly obsessed with this series... so when's it finally gonna pop up? Well, it's here at number 32! Funnily enough, Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't the first Sonic game I've played (that would go to Sonic the Hedgehog 2). So, imagine my shock when I couldn't even use the Sonic Spin in this game! Also, the jumping was a little more floaty compared to the sequels... but besides that, this game is platforming bliss! The levels are awesome (and to the game's credit, it has three Acts as opposed to the sequel's two Acts), the music is stupendous, and the overall package is just waaay too much fun. I mean, what more can you really want? Not much I'll tell you, and that's why Sonic's first adventure is here at number 32.

31. Bioshock (X360)

What a way to start off a game. A plane crashing, finding yourself in the middle of the ocean (took me at least a minute before I realized that I was actually in control of Jack during the sequence... kudos to 2K for letting the player take control of this game.), and then finding that lonesome lighthouse in the middle of nowhere. And once I entered the Biosphere... this game HAD to be in my top 50 games. What an incredible experience... and we're only 5 minutes into the game! Yeah, like I told you before, FPS's aren't really my thing... but Bioshock isn't your traditional FPS either. There's just so much in this game... it's just such a rich experience to explore the insane world of Rapture. And of course, how can I forget the titular moment when Andrew Ryan tells Jack about his purpose. "Would you kindly?" really blew me away. I guess I enjoyed this game so much because well... it accomplished things that I've never really seen in a video game before. Okay, so the final few hours of the game paled in comparison to the rest of the game (and seemed a lot more "traditional" as far as video game constants are, which was somewhat disappointing), but as a complete package, Bioshock is where it's at. Fantastic game.

Three Bioshocks at the exact same position. Awesome.