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33. Star Fox 64

This game is a blast to play. Fun in the Aircraft. Multiple endings. I don't really know what to describe. Other than I was little and rumble made me happy. Too bad Virtual Console (correct me if I'm wrong) doesn't have tis feature. I have to say I didn't like te non-flying vehicles as much. And the multiplayer wasn't as much fun as could hope. I'm not really justifying my choice, but idc. I played it recently and it. The flying is awesome and this should be here.

This game is really hard for me. Harder than demon soul's was for me. being's I don't normally play this type of game. The story is really aweful. The characters are aweful. The bosses are fun to but, but are more nonsense than anything else on my list (which is saying a lot). And it's not even campy and charming like certain other games on my list it's just bad imo. But it's team ninja. The gameplay is really awesome it looked, and even still looks gorgeous. And it made you feel like a ninja!

I haven't played any of the subsequent re-releases. Because well I try to avoid paying for that.