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CrankyStroming said:
ishiki said:

#35 Final Fantasy VII

It has my favorite city in a FF which is Midgar, My 2nd favorite FF Music Score, my 2nd fav or favorite villain... wait.... SHINRA. And you're a terrorist!

They wrote the story for that game into a corner. The first few hours were really great, but then all of the depth and meaning was tossed aside to tell the story of some bloke with multiple personality disorder running off to fight an old workmate who is slightly less sane, who isn't even established as a proper villain until right near the end of the first disc when we find out how he wants to destroy the world (and don't get me started on the following scene), and it only gets more nonsense from then on.

I liked that you could choose your party pretty much from the start.

My no. 32 is Spyro the Dragon. A great mix and furious fire-breathing action and semi-solid platforming. There's a bit of a depth-perception issue that isn't in other games, but not too much.

Nonsense isn't always bad. yuffies my favorite part anyways. specially when she steals your materia. XD