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33. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)

While Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GCN) was my first Fire Emblem experience (and a great game as well, just barely missed the top 50), this was the game that really made me a huge fan of the series. Everything from the previous game has been ironed out, and the gameplay is stupendously solid. The characters are more endearing than ever (still, Illyana is my favorite!) and the story is an actual epic, spanning four immense chapters that are all very fun and very rewarding (with the final chapter pretty darn amazing, I must say.) The story continues from Path of Radiance, and everything comes together at the end in a very satisfying way. The final showdown to the Black Knight (one of my favorite videogame villains) is fantastic... and the whole final levels are just perfection in my eyes.

If the previous paragraph seems somewhat erratic... it's because I really don't know where to begin explaining my love for this game, or where to end. The gameplay is so wonderfully solid, the characters are a joy to lead into battle (and worth keeping alive), and the adventure is really unlike anything out there, which is why I'm such a huge fan of the series. Radiant Dawn shines the brightest though, and for that, it earns the #33 spot.