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jarrod said:
darthdevidem01 said:
jarrod said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Boutros said:

Great for Ni No Kuni!

 The 3rd Birthday is looking low though.

Its been in development for soooo long

dunno how it'll ever make a profit.

I think it can do 500k-ish in Japan, and maybe 500k-ish in the west.  1m should be enough to turn a decent profit, the game is outsourced anyway (so it's cheaper than internal R&D efforts like Crisis Core, Agito, BBS, etc) and doesn't exactly have a huge team (Hexadrive's a pretty small dev).

3rd b'day was outsourced? I thought it was internally made by the Agito team?

And do you still think ninokuni can do 1 million?

Yeah, HexaDrive is making 3rd Birthday, it's not an internal SE game.  I dunno much about them, but they're mostly ex-Capcom staff, and they also did REZ HD on XBLA for Q? Entertainment.

I think Ninokuni has a shot at 1m, but it really depends on it's legs, sustained promotion and word of mouth (like Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven).  If it doesn't catch on, I think it'll still move that 450k shipment though.  I think the timing of the PS3 release is also a factor, but I have a feeling that may be end of 2011 or delayed later even (the L5 Vision surprise no-show isn't exactly encouraging).

I thought Tabata was making T3B {hype drops}

Well we don't even know how good Ninokuni is...lets wait and see....if its very good word of mouth could push it that far I guess. For Level-5's sake I hope it does well because its success will affect the PS3 versions success

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey