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39.  Star Fox 64 - N64

This game was quite a awesome feat for its time. It was so much fun and its campaign has some of the high replay value ever. I loved playing through it choosing different routes and taking down Andross through various different routes. A great and awesome time.

38. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - PS3

This is the first game in what is becoming another one of Naughty Dog's classic series. An engaging story, beautiful graphics, and good gameplay are more than enough to deserve a place on this list. An extremely polished game that is a fantastic experience to play through.

37. Fire Emblem VII - GBA

This was my first game is the extremely popular SRPG franchise. It has excellent characters and an engaging story that is only complimented by a fun, polished battle system. A must play for any SRPG fan.

36. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Xbox

This a great game and a very experience that would be much higher but it gets bogged down with its crappy ending. Definitely deserves a playthrough just for the experience of a truly great Star Wars game. One of the best WRPGs out there (2nd best all time, imo).

35. Red Alert 2 - PC

This was the first RTS that I ever put a ton of time into. Introduced and played with by family, I have nothing but fond memories of it. It caused me to love the genre and led way to many other startegy games. No other series is very similar to this one, nothing can beat the live action actors.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.