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#36 Super Mario World

My 2nd Favorite 2D mario. Really, it's mario. It's great. I don't really much to say about it.

#35 Final Fantasy VII
This game is great.  It probably has the best Side Quests in a FF game with optional characters etc. With, many mechanically bad, but quite memorable minigames. It has one of my favorite charactesr Yuffie.  It has my favorite city in a FF which is Midgar, My 2nd favorite FF Music Score, my 2nd fav or favorite villain... wait.... SHINRA. And you're a terrorist!

negatives are... graphics aren't consistent besides consistently not good, and even then, the locales for me are rather boring. besides, gold saucer, midgar and the forgotten city. Out of the 3D FF it has my 2nd least favorite Battle System. Though Materia is fun to level up. Also, though the score is excellent. The sound is crappy, particularly on the craptacular computer port I originally played it on. And probably a few other things. But I still love this game.