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Ok. Here's my long update. Starting at #44!


44. The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - Xbox

I feel this game as another part of my childhood. I absolutely love LOTR and you get play in all of the epic battles of the second and third movie co-op. Tons of fun and replayability. Definitely recommend for a good time with fans of the series.

43. Metal Gear Solid IV: Gun of the Patriots - PS3

Easily one of  the best movie games I've ever played. The setting was awesome and it was full of epic awespiring moments. My second favorite of the fabled series.

42. Star Wars Episode 1: Racer - N64

This game was my GT growing. I had so much fun racing, customizing my pod racer, and earning money. Tons of fun and really enjoyable. Lots of fond memories playing this.

41. Guitar Hero II - PS2

I struggled mightly when trying to play the music games of this generation, but I still feel that this one was the best. It had a thrilling soundtrack with tons of songs worth playing over and over. Definite improvement of GH1 and the last really good GH game.

40. Dissidia: Final Fantasy - PSP

Screw the haters. This game was awesome. As I love Final Fantasy, I loved playing with characters from my favorite franchise. The actual battles were intense and exiting. A high octane battle system with a awesome character list easily lands a spot in my top 40.



And there we go. I feel I've made some good progress. Be back for more after I grab some dinner.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.