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36. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA)

Circle of the Moon was my first Castlevania experience. Not the NES or SNES classic Castlevanias. Not the Symphony of the Night reimagining by Igarashi... but Circle of the Moon on the GameBoy Advance. To be sure, I had no idea what I was getting myself into... or even why I bought it in the first place. All I know is that I popped it in, turned on the handheld... and was taken on a vampire slaying, monster killing adventure full of atmosphere and awesome action. I love the fact that I could get better weapons through magic, and could always get more powerful by leveling up. The whip cracking action was so  satisfying. Plus... after I defeated Dracula and defeated the darkness within... I could replay the game with new powers and abilities. The game had so many ways to play... the game seemed to go on forever. Unfortuately, I played this game so much and did so many replays... that the in-game battery died. I literaly played this game to (its) death. It may not be my favorite Castlevania (that goes to Eccelsia), but its the game that introduced me to the world of Vampires, were-wolves, and Vampire hunters sworn to take down the evil inside the castle. This game made me a fan or life.

If you couldn't tell... I like the Castlevania series a lot.