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I think the problem is that the Wii is likely to only have 5-6 great games for the entire year while the PS3 and 360 are likely to have 25-30. Its basically the same thing we've seen year after year, a Nintendo console that gets a few good games and then everyone has to do the "Nintendo wait" for the next good game (anywhere from 2-4 months, sometimes longer).

P.S. I suspect the thread starter started this thread as flame bait to try to start something with the fallout being that it will get some 360 and/or PS3 fanboys banned.

I disagree--I understand where you're coming from, because that's what happened with the N64 and the GameCube, but it's different now with the Wii. Now that Nintendo is dominating the market again, they're seeing the most TP support they've had since the glory days of the SNES. Here's a tentative list of Wii games coming out next year, along with a few for 09: