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Hephaestos said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:

I didn't accuse all 5 people of being scum... I just gave my thoughts on their posts.... you, I'm on the fence about, Kantor, I actually had a positive analysis of him, radishhead I think is playing very badly, homer, final fan, heph and wonktonodi I think are scum.

I will explain everything in the following post...I'm sure it'll make a lot of sense and it might quite possibly get me lynched...but it was a gamble, if it worked, would've helped the town immensely on a info dry day, if it didn't...then it would suck. 
Unfortunately it didn't work......or did it ?

Anyway, explaination incoming !

1) are you freken kidding? you voted for the guy. So now you vote for people you have positive analysis of? how freken scumy is that? If anything Homer was in line too and you "think" he is scum, why in the world would you have voted for him?

I did vote for him....but that was because the town had come to a consensus to lynch Kantor...and I would be MIA for 14 hours. 

2) a dry day? you mean the one where out of the 2 talking people you managed to vote and bet your left chick (that's how you called half of an ass by the way) onto?

ass cheek....

I only voted for final fan today...I think. :p

3) I can understand the gamble... but definitely not the way you did it, not after voting someone, not at dawn. Heck all the wrong things about your claim that I pointed out in my longpost you just revealed to be true.

_ Prof was by everyone's account a high target, chances of a townie being on him last night were high, so you put him in jeopardy with your gamble.

_ you just plain lied to the town for 24 hours, disrupting investigations of others, spreading confusion.

_ What do you claim now? vanilla townie?

I'm sorry

4) You just posted "lynch wonk" with no backing info whatsoever, with even stelf ready to go on the asumption that this was not all a lie, what did you hope for? trick the town into a 25% chance of bringing a mafia down with you? these odds are for the town to decide on, not a single player, you're not a vigilante!

It was raining and thundering and lightining and what not....and my house was being flooded !!!! (It still is downstairs btw...) Highest rainfall my city has received in 27 years. So sorry, for not explaining my suspicion.

(and I though links already had bad lie examples.... this is worse than I though)

i'm awaiting to read your "explanation", I hope it surprises me in a good way or you really lost much of my respect as a player.