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41. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (DS)

Okay, let's get it out of the way: Shanoa from Order of Ecclesia is drop dead gorgeous (eh... I used a Vampire pun. Drop dead? Get it?) and she kicks Undead butt to boot. She's pretty much the most awesomest Castlevania hero ever. Anywho... on to the actual game! Definitely the toughest Castlevania I've played, but the game is so immensely satisfying! Pitch perfect controls, gorgeous hand drawn sprite art, awesome music... the Castlevania fundamentals are still here, but now the game is more streamlined and the action more intense. Farming for souls is over, yet the game still has ultra deep spell and weapon mechanics that'll make anyone giggle with glee. This iteration of the series is the most satisfying yet... keep on kicking Vampire tail Shanoa!

40. Super Mario Bros./Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (NES/GB)

After 25 years (I'm not even that old...), I'll boot up the Wii, select "Super Mario Bros." and give it a go. It's true, I never owned an NES, and even my playtime with the console was limited. Still, each time I could get my hands on it, the one game I would play was an easy choice: Super Mario Bros. The controls are perfect, the music is still awesome to this day, and the game just has a charm that is like very little out there, even to this day. When I finally came around to getting the GameBoy Color, I had to get my hands on Super Mario Bros. Deluxe, and I wasn't disappointed. It was the same incredible game, but now on the go! Heck, it even had different challenges (Boo races were tough!) and tons of secrets to collect (Yoshi eggs tested the mettle of even the pros). Yeah, this game is totally awesome... just don't hurt me for not putting it high enough!