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Mr Khan said:

Well, that just collapsed spectacularly. Apparently it took her 24 hours to figure out that i was actually asking her out when i asked her out, and... yeah...


So, there goes that. Now i have three weeks of awkwardness to look forward to.


Though she said we could still go out together, just without actually going out together...

hmm... should i take the consolation prize or not? I'd rather not wreck what i have, but the long-term investment should at least net an outcome, or should i just retreat now and minimize the awkwardness in the short-term

I was prepared for rejection, but not 24 hours after i thought i had clinched it. That was a rather cruel way for this to happen.

I've skimmed through this thread a little, and you are very good at giving vague answers.  I'm intrigued...what did she say?


Also, as for what you should do, is focus on yourself.  Don't care about how she is going to feel.  If she wants to do something and invites you too, just think about if you want to do it or not.  If it sounds fun or interesting then go.  If it doesn't do something else that you would enjoy.  She shouldn't be a factor anymore.  Do what you want to do.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League