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I have been spending most of my time this weekend doing homework, I have 2 projects both due on monday and one of them I just started doing on friday

I am a huge procrastinator, but I'll try to be more active

Kantor- This guy has been acting very suspicious like I said he keeps on voting and unvoting, wagon hopping and retaliation  voting like others have said before me its out of character because he is usually more careful with votes I remember last round he didn't even want to joke vote so he joked fos'ed

radish- The main reason I am suspicious of radish is becuase of his whole lie about his stance on first day lynch, I mean why would he have to put up a disguise I just don't think a townie should have to do that, no matter the reason.

Homer- I'm a little suspicious of homer because of his weird reason on voting Kantor, but right now my main suspects are kantor and radish

The reason I didn't vote yet is because I have been trying to decide who I think is more likely to be scum between radishhead and kantor.
