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I'm going to steal this from linkz for now.

This post will be entitled "potals" for Post totals.


FYI: these names are listed according to appearance.

gray=gray area posts. Not exactly a contribution, not exactly blather, somewhere in between.
NonCon= non contributions. These are jokes, or introductions.
Mistakes= these are generally failures of logic. For example, nord called gow out for saying something similar to a mafia who outed themselves in another game on day one. However, I believe that his thought was a complete misunderstanding. someone accused gow of being scummy and gow said "thank you". Gow WANTS to be scummy, because that means he isn't going to get killed.
poslip= possible slips. Nothing huge. simple possibility.

name Cont gray NonCon Mistake poslip totals
link 6 1 4 0 0 11
ff 3 5 7 2 1 18
mg 3 0 3 0 0 6
wonk 6 1 3 0 0 10
gow 11 0 6 0 0 17
rad 5 21 10 4 0 40
prof 38 20 13 2 0 73
homer 7 1 2 3 0 13
heph 8 4 11 1 1 25
nord 7 3 1 1 1 13
tos 3 2 4 2 1 12
vette 10 1 0 2 0 13
stefl 3 3 1 0 0 7
dsis 4 0 3 0 0 7
noname 17 3 4 0 0 24
dtewi 11 6 2 0 0 18
kantor 2 4 6 1 1 14



contributions: theprof (38), noname (17), dtewi (11), gow (11)
gray area posts: radish (21), prof (20), dtewi (6)
non-contributions: prof (13), radish (11), heph (10)
posts: prof(73), radish (40), heph (25), noname (24)


Highest contribution ratio:  Vette (77%), noname (71%), dtewi (61%)
Lowest: rad (13%), kantor (14%), ff (17%),

lowest  gray ratio: (lower is better): dsis/gow/mg (0%), homer/vette (8%), link (9%)
highest: radish (53%), dtewi (33%), ff (28%), prof (27%)

Lowest NonCon ratio: Vette (0%), nord (8%), stefl (14%)
Highest: Mg (50%) , Heph (44%), kantor/dsis (43%)



Ok, now for the slips and other noteworthy occurences:

In order of possible slip:

Final-Fan:I found this interesting. He made a vote on GoW,but then only Fos'ed Radish. That seemed strange to me.

Final-Fan said:

Well that was a nice piece of insanity. 

radishhead does seem to be contradicting himself pretty badly.  I need to think about this. 

Unvote GOW
FoS radish

additionally there's this:

Final-Fan said:

If radish does flip scum my top suspects are prof and kantor.  If not ... well, whatever. 

As careful as FF seems to think he's been playing, this is a pretty bad bumble in logic. I wouldn't consider this a slip, but a pretty bad mistake.


Heph: When I was attacking Kantor, he said "@proff, unfortunately, there isn't much to presure kantor on so far. Engaging in a confrontation with him will probably yield a rather steril debate as I did with gow. Might get you to have a read on him, but you're also waisting your ammo by letting others slack down in the mean time. I'll grant you however that he is currently the lurking force in the game... and going from last game, you're right to be on his tail."

Additionally,there's this:

Hephaestos said:
theprof00 said:
Kantor said:

It seems to me as though Radish currently holds the most suspicion because he doesn't want to Day One Lynch.

And so, we want to Day One Lynch him.

There's a beautiful poetic symmetry there.

Vote:  radishhead.

you want to day one lynch him?

And he's suspicious because he doesn't want a day one lynch? Fyi: neither does vette and several others.

What is so different about radish?

I personnaly didn't vote on him for the no day one lynch. I voted because of the changing story when noname was interogating him and the nonchalent attitude thowards it. That is what's different about him.

Whatever other target you end up finding proff, you won't have much better evidence than this on day one :-/

he's at L-2 right now, so sceptics should use this opportunity to ask away any questions they want about him. I don't think i'm the only tangent voter, so convince us, or convince yourselves. (I'm not talking about you finding a better target, i'm asking you to check radish out and decide).

seems pretty scummy to me all around. I'll get back to Heph later when I move onto my suspicions list.


Nordlead: also answered something not about him.

nordlead said:
theprof00 said:
noname2200 said:
nordlead said:

 However, Kantor had implied that his reasons were for the ones already stated...

Where did he imply this?  He completely avoided the entire radish topic when he first responded to prof.

not only that, but his vote for radish was baseless too.

I believe he said that he was voting for radish because radish was against lynching on day one.

When looking at the evidence against radish, there are far better reasons to be lynching him...not wanting a day one lynch isn't one of those solid reasons.

I'm voting for Radish because he didn't want to lynch day 1. He said he never lynched day 1, then decided to backtrack because others found out otherwise. You say it is baseless, I say it is saying what I am saying just in slightly different words. I took his post where he originally voted as an nod toward the same reasoning I had. Maybe I interpret it differently than you, but that is how I saw it. No, he didn't explicitly say why he was voting becuse radish lied, but as I said I don't think it is as bad as a poor reason for a vote.

As for avoiding prof, I agree avoiding a question is bad (granted with over 340 posts in a single day I can see it happening). However, he denied avoiding questions and I may have missed the second time they were asked in the screwed up thread.

Again, I wasn't saying nord's vote was baseless. I was saying Kantor's was. So he defends his vote, and then by proxy it somehow carries onto the credibility of Kantor's vote? Not sure what happened here. slim possibility of a slip.


TruckOSaurus said:

In the OP hatmoza wrote:

Written on those letters in pink glitter is one of the following: Town, Mafia, or [Insert role].

The fact that he didn't write Town, Mafia, Cop or Doctor tells me there's more than just those two roles. So we shouldn't rule out a SK or any other typical role like Bus driver or lie detector.

Although, I hold the least amount of merit in this "slip", when I read it, I thought that he might've been subtley pointing himself out as to seem like he wasn't avoiding it. It felt like a pressured could call it. Again, this is barely a blip. This is, to repeat myself again, a possible slip...not an actual one.



Kantor said:
Homer_Simpson said:
Kantor said:

It seems to me as though Radish currently holds the most suspicion because he doesn't want to Day One Lynch.

And so, we want to Day One Lynch him.

There's a beautiful poetic symmetry there.

Vote:  radishhead.

this doesnt even hide that its a fairly baseless bandwagon vote, again I have to query these kind of votes, to me it seems the perfect scum tactic, join a bandwagon that seems to have taken hold on loose evidence and hope you get the person lynched before people can question what is going on...

It's an extremely baseless bandwagon vote. It just has more base than any other bandwagon vote.

Besides, in MINHA, we killed two mafiosi with baseless bandwagon votes.

I don't like that post at all. The game is about contributing and FINDING evidence. Not bandwagoning on the best baseless bandwagon.


Ok, now for suspect/trusted list:

First, the trusted:

GoW: It really looks like he's excited for this game and wants to start off with a bang. He mentions how great the reward would be if they lynched a mafia, and he seems genuinely excited. It also looks like he's really trying hard.

I consider Gow about 75% townie, for now


dsister said:

Right now I'm at school so I can't really go into depth but  if we were to lynch someone today then it would give us a lot more info to go on tomorrow. If we lynch a townie then we can see who really pushed it and who kind of held back. This would also give the cop and doctor more info to go on with their night actions. 


And by the 1 mafia to every 4 townies rule we have [slightly] higher then 20% chance in hitting scum. 

We simply hit the person who is lurking/disrupting/ being the least helpful in the town 

This simply does not seem like something a mafia would say. Take into account that this is day 1. This is a strong townie day, why? Because scum haven't had the chance to meet and plan yet. If dsis were mafia, he would be putting a lot of his fellow mafia at risk. I consider dsis about 60% chance of town for now.


dtewi has not been acting like he usually does as mafia. He seems very proactive, seems to be pushing a strategy of bandwagon following, and has made many great points about a great many subjects. However, the fact that he pushed so hard for radish, where radish was at L-1 and almost got hammered without dtewi removing his vote is a detriment to all the good play. 45% for dtewi for now



Heph: has made virtually no contributions yet. ITT (in this thread) he has made more jokes and talked with people who aren't playing, than actual contributions. Very strange considering his usual input. Additionally, when he was arguing with gow early in the game, he made a huge turnaround almost immediately and was basically like "now that I think about it, you're absolutely right" etc etc. But gow pursued him and kept arguing. It looked, me.. like he was trying to get out of the argument for the exposure it might create, but then changed his mind after that, because he kept arguing with gow, and they traded barbs.

(Keep in mind that this lowered my trust of gow as well. GoW did this insulting kind of back and forth with me during our mafia stint together).

Also, Heph said something like, "I said I would stop talking so much last game, and in the intro to this game". Using other posts from other threads as justification seems scummy to me. If he is contributing less, it doesn't matter how he said he would act. It's out of character.

Kantor: Knows that he is on a baseless bandwagon and yet lacks the motivation to find a better target. Additionally, he refuses to unvote, knowing that he could be wrong. Additionally, he's been avoiding the accusations put against him, and has made some contradicting, or at least, indirect posts. For example, later in the thread he called my earlier FoS of him "silly", and explained how it didn't bother him at all etc etc. However, looking back at the FoS portion of the thread, I voted him on the next post, wherein he exploded and voted me in return. If he really didn't think anything of my FoS, then where did this explosion come from? You all know my opinion of Kantor's game so far, so I won't continue on this.

Radish: Of course, everyone knows why by now. Extremely suspicious.

Radish, I'm going to take this time to point something out to you. One of the most suspicious parts of your gameplay is that....looking through your's VERY hard to tell what is a contribution and what is a non-contribution. Out of all the players, your posts fall in the gray area more than anyone else, in my opinion. Most of it is just banter really. No real arguments. One sentence answers. Very superficial presence to be honest. So, you are still a good candidate for a lynch. Sorry.

ToS: Not much input into the game. There is some good stuff, but it's very shallow most of the time, arguing about logistics and so forth.

FF: Pretty much same as ToS


-No reads-

No real reads on linkz or mg or nord. Although nord is leaning towards suspect.


Sorry for the long post guys. I'm gunna hang out a bit and lurk before going to bed.