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pariz said:


#43 Final Fantasy XIII

March 2010 - I hadn't played a regular Final Fantasy since IX. I had missed the whole PS2 generation and I didn't really regret eventhough Final Fantasy VII and VIII were two of my stronger gaming experiences. I read all the critics, the many harsh ones, the few enthusiastic ones. I knew about the missing towns, how repetitive and linear it was... "I better stick waiting for Tales of Graces and Xenoblade" I thought and bought GoW III.  Well, I don't intend to say I should have done the other way around, cause I eventually bought XIII and learnt that, regardless the reviews, regardless the polemic inclusions and exclusions, regardless of if it was too linear or not, regardless of it all, I had one of the best gaming experiences of the year with it. My expectations were low, really low. I didn't expect anything out of it. And that might have been what allowed me to be awed and entertained, what allowed me to have fun and to love those characters too: enjoying what you are being offered instead of spoiling it because you were too busy  bitching for not being given what you wanted to.

booo you put it too low! lol


people don't complain bout the battle system because its fantastic

even Edge who hated the game said the battle system is one of the finest in the genre.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey