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45. This game oozes Atmosphere that doesn't feel like the phantom menace (take that game I'm not naming :P), great plot, and great dialogue. This game is extremely linear (not that I mind it I love other certain games that get critisized) With fun Puzzles. The music is also excellent. With one of the best intro's of any game I've ever played.

The battlesystem, is similar to the VATS system used in fallout. Where you target a certain part of the body and you get certain percents of chances you'll hit that object. With other action rpg elements. There is also a risk meter involved here that skews hit percentages in different ways etc. I won't go into it here as you probably know or don't care. But when it comes down to it. I found the battlesystem the weak link and ultimatley why it's not higher on the list.