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darthdevidem01 said:
hikaruchan said:
darthdevidem01 said:


I was like 5 or 6 when it came out, I watched my dad play through it at first and loved every minute of it even though I just watched, I didn't play it myself till like the year 2001 or 2002....and I loved it.

Its a faint memory now but I remember liking the story a lot....the gameplay itself was pretty good. The setting a classic haunted mansion was great and something I miss in the newer RE games!

Short description due to lack of memory of the why is it on here? Well because I remember giving it a 9/10 and its one of the first games I played of its kind so was pretty influential.


Favourite Music -

Moonlight Sonata (Remake Version)

Biohazard (resdent Evil) is a awesome Game series I love the original Biohazard. but why did you what till 2001 to play it?    

Like I said I was 5 or 6 when it came out...and after that other games kept me more busy till I decided to just pick up the copy and play it myself because I had nothing else to play( as in 2001 major new PS1 games basically stopped coming)

It's cool you love old school horror Games. what did you think of RE Zero and RE Remake 

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