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Khuutra said:
nordlead said:
Killiana1a said:

There is no going back to the NES days where games were light on the story, characters did not talk, and it as mainly 2D. Technology has changed, 3D graphics have been around 14 years, stories have gotten more complex, and players invest more of themselves in games than just a mindless, fun activity of getting from the start of the level to the end.  The gaming developers in both Japan and the West will never lower themselves to NES standards because they see a heavily produced Hollywood-esque series like Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops setting records.

Zelda worked back in the 1980s, Modern Warfare 2 set records in 2009, and Black Ops has set records in 2010. Times have changed and people need to change with the times.

NSMB & NSMBWii would like to say high. Which both have set records that pretty much any game would love to come close to. Wait, let me also throw in Wii Fit, Wii Sports Resort, Brain Age. All of which fit your description of "mindless fun" yet all blow away almost all of the "hollywood-esque" games in total sales and definitly beat them all in total profit.

I would like to interject here and say that Killiana1a's argument in this respect is the worst argument made in the whole topic.

I mean really.

So the past endlessly repeats itself? Apparently so regarding 2D Mario games. A phenomenon that never ends.

Then again, my gut tells me not to buy it. The games may follow the same lines from the 1980s on, but how we play them changes. New controls with the Wii copied by the Move and who knows how Kinect will change the way we game.

Yet, when I see Black Ops selling 5.6 in one day I question why can't a Nintendo game do that? Is it the way we as individuals view games and Nintendo is marketing to that 8 year old inside of us when it comes to a game such as New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Is this it? Nintendo as the Disney of video gaming where even 30 year old adults will want to buy the latest version of Cinderella, while their children are screaming for it?

If so, then Sony and Microsoft better up the cuteness in their games because Nintendo has been on to something for decades now.