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Good to know that Greenburg reads Vgchartz. My guess is its too early for Microsoft to put out hard data so even if our figures are within 2% of Kinect's actual performance, he is doubting that numbers could be in more than the fact that the figures are valid or invalid.

Microsoft is the least transparent with its figures of the big three, never totalling software shipments, splits by region, no projections are ever issued, and all figures are American-centric at a time when Southern and Central Europe and Latin America are the fastest growing markets. I'd reckon if Kinect shipments were already over 1m, we'd have a press-release detailing that. Anything under 1m would look poor, given the massive Wii base, and even the 2.5m Move pieces shipped to the West since September. Given 5m is the goal by the end of 2010, and that there are roughly 9 weeks in the year for Kinect, they've likely only shipped 600,000-700,000 Kinect's for the period Brett is speaking of, and so any press release we do get won't be until next week.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu