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I've found lag to be fairly consistent from game to game to game, you do the action and the game reacts a moment later, and it's for every game, it's different experiences for each game cause the lag will hurt one game more than the other, Reflex Ridge a game that requires reflexes and timed jumping lag will hurt more than Rally Ball, I brought Reflex Ridge up in the lag portion of my impressions for that specific purpose, its showing off a game that requires quicker timing and you can fuck up through no fault of your own, it will just jump after you physically jump which can lead to problems if you do whats natural which is jumping right before the obstacle.

I remember reading preview after preview that discussed the lag and how the hardware just has a 100ms lag because of how it works, that's going to be that consistent lag you see in every game, just about every review mentions lag in games, the only game this seems different from is Dance Central and you can clearly see the delayed reactions in free style, but again it's the type of game it is that helps them.  

Does that mean it's bad that they're doing their own work arounds? No, hardware has limitations, working around those limitations is just good design, which is why Dance Central is getting good scores and good reactions from people and just about everything else not so much.  

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000